29 juin 2020, Saint-Joseph : 44th Mid-America Medieval Association Conference, Memory and Materiality

Saturday, September 19, 2020
Missouri Western State University

Plenary Speaker : Dr. Anne D. Hedeman, Judith Harris Murphy Distinguished Professor of Art History, University of Kansas

"History and Visual Memory in the Library of King Charles V of France"

Papers on any aspect of medieval culture, medieval studies, and medievalism will be considered, but presentations that consider and/or (re)evaluate the conference theme "Memory and Materiality" will be particularly welcome.

Potential topics could include (this is NOT an exhaustive list) :
 Literature, trauma, and memory
 Memory construction
 Museums, libraries, and archives
 Borders and borderlines
 Collective space, place, and memory
 Ethics of preservation
 Memory, Memoria, and Rhetoric
 Remembrances, and shaping identity
 Teaching the medieval era : pedagogy
 Music, Art, Literature
 Pop culture
 Food culture

Proposals for either papers (250 word abstracts)
or sessions (250 word abstracts + list of title and
presenters) should be sent via email attachment to :
medieval442020 chez gmail.com

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