13 - 15 sept. 2021, Leipzig : Changes of Monarchical Rule in Late Medieval Societies in Comparison

For the study of ruling systems in the pre-modern period, changes of rulership have proven to be a fertile environment, as they shook existing arrangements and triggered new negotiations. These transitive phases opened up extensive leeway, which both the monarchs and the elites could use to pursue their own as well as joint interests. Not infrequently, this led to a lasting reorganisation of the configurations of rulership.

Changes of rulership at the margins of Latin Europe have been the focus of the DFG funded research project “Mediation of Rule at the Borders of Latin Europe in the Late Middle Ages“. Within the conference, its main results shall be discussed and integrated in the European debate. By focussing on the border regions of Latin Europe, areas under Muslim, Christian-Orthodox or gentile-religious rule will be considered more broadly than before. At the same time, the comparative view will be directed back to Central Europe in order to discern possible similarities or specifics. The comparability of the case studies is ensured by a common analytical grid.

The conference will take place in hybrid form, with the digital part running via ZOOM. We kindly ask those, who wish to take part digitally to register via E-Mail until August 20th.

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