23-25 sept. 2019, Heppenheim : Crime, Justice and Elites

The colloquium provides an open forum for discussion, debate and the presentation of PhD-, postdoc- and other research projects related to the history of crime and justice in the early modern and modern period. It aims for an interdisciplinary exchange between scholars of a wide range of subjects such as history, legal history, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, humanities, political science and others.

Core issues that will be addressed are various forms of crime and delinquency, law and normativity, criminal prosecution and justice, punishment and social control as well as sources and methodical approaches. We also invite contributions of scholars who would like to enter into a dialogue with researchers from the field of crime and criminal justice even though the mentioned topics would only constitute a part of the respective projects. Both, proposals for panels of 2–4 speakers as well as proposals for individual presentations are accepted.

The 6th colloquium focuses on elites in a political, economic, social or cultural context, their role in the administration of justice and the legal system as well as specific forms of deviance and delinquency of such groups. While recent studies have addressed violent crime of elites (e.g. feuds and duels) or the involvement of elites in white-collar crimes, the conference aims to also address further potential fields of research in order to gain comparative perspectives on the role and function of elites in the history of crime and criminal justice.

Organisation and Contact
Karl Härter, Max-Planck-Institut f. europ. Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt/M. : haerter chez rg.mpg.de Benno Zabel, Universität Bonn, Rechts- und Staatswiss. Fakultät : zabel chez jura.uni-bonn.de
Jeannette Kamp, Universität Nijmegen (NL), Philosophische Fakultät, j.kamp chez let.ru.nl
Andreas Becker, Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie : abecker22 chez uni-bielefeld.de
Benjamin Seebröker, TU Dresden, Phil. Fakultät, Inst. f. Geschichte : benjamin.seebroeker chez tu-dresden.de

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