24 oct. 2014, London : French Renaissance Court Culture. The Legacy of Frances Yates.
Organisers : Ewa Kociszewska (Warburg Institute)
Speakers : Sydney Anglo (Swansea), Luisa Capodieci (Paris I - Sorbonne), Richard Cooper (Oxford), Ewa Kociszewska (Warburg Institute), Margaret McGowan (Sussex) and Nuccio Ordine (Calabria)
10:00 Doors open. Registration. Coffee
10:30 Welcome. Session 1
Keynote address : Margaret McGowan (Sussex)
Learning and skills in the service of the French Court
Nuccio Ordine (Università della Calabria)
Frances Yates, Giordano Bruno et le milieu d’Henri III
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Session 2
Richard Cooper (Oxford)
Court Festivals for Eleanor of Austria, Queen of France (1530-36)
Sydney Anglo (Swansea)
The Tournament in Renaissance France : a curiously neglected subject
15:00 Afternoon tea break
15:30 Session 3
Luisa Capodieci (Paris I-Sorbonne)
Le "paganisme humaniste" du Balet comique de la Reine
Ewa Kociszewska (Warburg
Ballet des pénitents at the court of Catherine de Médicis
17:00 Wine reception
Registration and Payment
Conference fees
Standard rate : £25
Concessions : £12.50 (for full-time students/retired)
Conference catering : We provide a range of meat/fish and vegetarian rolls/sandwiches for lunch. If you have other dietary requirements please email warburg(at)sas.ac.uk at least ten days before the conference so that we can try to cater for your needs.
Registering and paying for the conference
NB : online registration closes at midnight on 22 October.
Ewa Kociszewska : ewa.kociszewska chez sas.ac.uk
Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London