Accueil / Actualités / Événements / Colloques et journées d’études / 6 et 7 juillet 2010, Edinburgh (UK) : Recreating

6 et 7 juillet 2010, Edinburgh (UK) : Recreating Renaissance and Baroque Spectacle

Lieu : Edinburgh (UK)
Date : 6 et 7 juillet 2010

Programme du colloque

Recreating Renaissance and Baroque Spectacle : the Hispanic Habsburg Dynasty in Context. 6 and 7 July, University of Edinburgh, UK. International Conference
Draft programme.
6 July-Day 1
9.00-9.30 Registration. 9.30-9.45- Welcome. 9.45-10.45. Keynote :
Commemorative Tapestry for the Emperor’s Heir : the Tunes’ Battle series, wedding gift for prince Philip and Mary Tudor. (provisional title)
Prof. Fernando Checa Cremades, University Complutense of Madrid.
10.45-11.00 Break-refreshments. 11.00-12.45 Panel 1
Philip II - English King on Page, Stage and Beyond. Dr. Alexander Samson, University College London.
The Spanish Habsburgs in England : Music and Entertainment for Philip II in Sixteenth -Century London.
Dr. Helen Green, Open University.
The godly prince. Hendrick De Clerck, the Archdukes Albert and Isabella, and the princely self-image.
Dr. Katharina Van Cautere. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Building the intangible : treatises on pyrotechnics in the first half of the 17th century .
Dr. Enri Monin Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage in Lille, France.
12.45-1.30 Lunch 1.30-3.15 Panel 2
The Royal Exequies in New World Cities and the Creation of an Imperial Urban Geography.
Dr. Alejandra B. Osorio, Wellesley Collage, Boston, USA.
TABLADO : Wooden Architecture and Diversion in the Habsburg Empire (1550/1750)
Dr. Sabina de Cavi. Centre for Advanced Studies of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Brussels.

Recreating Renaissance and Baroque Spectacle : the Hispanic Habsburg Dynasty in Context. 6 and 7 July, University of Edinburgh, UK. International Conference
Draft programme.
Fiestas dinâsticas en Nâpoles a mediados del Seicento : la participaciôn de artistas italianos y espa–oles
Dr. Ida Mauro, independent Scholar.
Continuity and Change in the Festive Culture of Naples, 17th-18th C. Gabriel Guarino, University of Ulster.
3.15 -3.45 Break-refreshments. 3.45-5.30 Panel 3
The loose parts of an Entry : the flop of Cremona in 1598. Prof. Maria Ines Aliverti. University of Pisa.
The streets where “the princes and the important personages pass in solemn occasions...”
Prof. Lucia Nuti. University of Pisa.
Music in the Service of the Spanish Hegemony in Early Modern Rome. Dr. Noel O’Regan, University of Edinburgh
(title to be confirmed)
Dr. Stephen Bowd, University of Edinburgh.
7 July Day 2
9.00-9.30 Refreshments. 9.30- 11.15 Panel 4
Fiesta y Hagiograf’a en la Corte Hispânica (1565-1615)
Dr. Juan Luis Gonzalez García, University Complutense of Madrid.
Interventions in the Urban Space of Habsburg Madrid (provisional title). Dr. David Sânchez Cano Independent Scholar.
El ritual de paso de Archiduquesa a reina Consorte de la Monarqu’a Catôlica y su visualizaciôn en la entrega y en la entrada en Madrid de Mariana de Austria (1649)
Mercedes Llorente, UCL.
The Fleeting Thrones. Baroque Ambassadorial Carriages.
Mr. JoaoCastel-Branco. Director of the Calouste Gulbenkiam Museum in Lisbon.
11.15-11.30 Break-refreshments 11.30-1.15 Panel 5

Recreating Renaissance and Baroque Spectacle : the Hispanic Habsburg Dynasty in Context. 6 and 7 July, University of Edinburgh, UK. International Conference
Draft programme.
Royal Entries in in Portugal in the XVIth Century : Lisbon, “Queen of the Ocean” 1521 and 1552.
Dr. Ana Isabel Buescu- Faculdade de Ciéncias Sociais e Humanas. Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
One Monarch, One Empire, and One Sword’ : architecture and visual representation of Philip II ?s empire in the Lisbon entry, 1581. Laura Fernandez-Gonzalez. University of Edinburgh
Habsburg spectacle in Lisbon : the arrival of the relics donated by D. João de Borja to the church of Saint Roch (1588).
Maria João Pereira Coutinho and S’lvia Ferreira. University of Lisbon.
The splendid painting showing the festive entry of king Philipp III in Lisbon 1619.
Dr. Andreas Gehlert, Independent Scholar.
11.15-2.00 Lunch
2.00-3.45 Panel 6
The visit of Henri III in Venice. Musical performances in glory of the Serenissima
Dr. Evelyn Korsch, University of Dresden.
C’estoit chose fort delectable : detail, variation and omission in the representation of music in French Renaissance triumphal entries. Emily Peppers, University of Edinburgh.
1521 : The Lisbon Royal Entry of Leonor of Austria
Dr. Annemarie Jordan Gschwend (short paper)
European themes and local awareness : the reconstruction of Charles I’s entry intro Edinburgh in 1633
Dr. Guidicini, Independent scholar. (short paper)
3.45-4.15 Break-refreshments. 4.15-5.30 Project panel.
Presentation of Europa triumphans Project and Presentation of the Society for the Stydy of Early Modern European Festivals.
Prof. Ronnie Mulryne, Warwick University
Presentation of PALATIUM project. Dr. Bernardo García García
Presentation of the collaborative project on the reconstruction of the Lisbon built heritage pre-1755.

Recreating Renaissance and Baroque Spectacle : the Hispanic Habsburg Dynasty in Context. 6 and 7 July, University of Edinburgh, UK. International Conference
Draft programme.
Dr. Helena Murteira Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkiam
6- 7.30 Wine Reception.
8.00 Conference dinner.