The Database of Court Officers: 1660-1837

The Database of Court Officers: 1660-1837


The Database of Court Officers (DCO) is an online computer database providing the career histories of every regularly remunerated officer and servant of the English royal household and, now, satellite courts, from the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660 to the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.

The DCO extends, corrects and completes the data on the royal household first set forth in Officials of the Royal Household 1660-1837, compiled by Sir John Sainty, KCB and Robert Bucholz, 2 vols., published by the Institute of Historical Research, London in 1997-98, as volumes eleven and twelve of the on-going series "Officeholders in Modern Britain" (available on the Institute’s online bookshop at The object of this work was to provide authoritative chronological lists of the holders of the principal household offices.

The DCO is a work in progress and it is hoped that, in time, it will grow to encompass:

  • Officers and servants of Queen Victoria’s household 1837-1901
  • Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber 1660-1901
  • Unpaid craftsmen, tradesmen and suppliers holding the royal warrant.

In the meantime, the linked .pdf files noted below contain all the material contained in the Officeholders volumes, including an introduction explaining the parameters of office-holding and giving a brief survey of the history and cost of the sovereign’s household for this period.

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