Herla. La cour des Gonzague à Mantoue - culture et festivités (1480-1630)

Mantova Capitale Europea dello Spettacolo

Herla. Base de données documentaire. Mantova Capitale Europea dello Spettacolo (http://www.capitalespettacolo.it/eng/obiettivo.asp)


The Herla project aims at gathering and inventorying documentary materials regarding the spectacular activities under the patronage of the lords of Mantua, the Gonzaga, in the period when they reached the zenith of their splendour, i.e. from 1480 until 1630.

Such materials, which at present are scattered throughout European archives (Paris, London, Madrid, Wien, Munich, Innsbruck, Lyons, Lisbon, etc, as well as the Italian towns which were in touch with the Court of Mantua at the time), amount to about a quarter or a fifth of the entire world documentation on Renaissance and Baroque spectacle.


Des documents relatifs aux échanges et rapports avec la cour de France figurent dans ce catalogue documentaire qui peut être exploré grâce à une base de données.

Consulter la base de données (Herla)


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