Warwick Centre for the study of the Renaissance

The Warwick Centre for the Study of the Renaissance is a large and broadly-based research community with a high international reputation.

The interdisciplinary study of the Renaissance has been a strong feature of the University of Warwick since the appointment of John Hale as the founding professor of History in 1964. Warwick staff have also included such outstanding scholars of the Renaissance as Martin Lowry, Nicholas Mann, Michael Mallett, and Paul Hills.

The breadth and depth of Warwick’s expertise in the Renaissance led to the establishment of the AHRB Centre for the Study of Renaissance Elites and Court Cultures within the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance in 2000 with funding of £1.7 million. The Centre has organised a series of international conferences and symposia.

Research projects :

 Europa Triumphans
 Renaissance and Early Modern festival books online

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