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Christopher Fletcher, Jean-Philippe Genet, John Watts (éd.) : Government and Political Life in England and France, c.1300–c.1500

How did the kings of England and France govern their kingdoms ? This volume, the product of a ten-year international project, brings together specialists in late medieval England and France to explore the multiple mechanisms by which monarchs exercised their power in the final centuries of the Middle Ages. Collaborative chapters, mostly co-written by experts on each kingdom, cover topics ranging from courts, (...)

David d' Avray : Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage (860–1600)

This analysis of royal marriage cases across seven centuries explains how and how far popes controlled royal entry into and exits from their marriages. In the period between c.860 and 1600, the personal lives of kings became the business of the papacy. d’Avray explores the rationale for papal involvement in royal marriages and uses them to analyse the structure of church-state relations. The marital problems of (...)

Jean-François Chauvard, Andrea Merlotti, Maria Antonietta Visceglia (dir.) : Casa Savoia e Curia romana dal Rinascimento al Risorgimento

A differenza di dinastie italiane più recenti – come Medici e Farnese – i Savoia non cercarono mai, o forse non riuscirono, a esser protagonisti nelle complesse dinamiche della politica della curia romana : non a caso, con un’unica importante eccezione, dalle loro fila non uscirono cardinali. Furono, invece, attentissimi a non rinunciare mai al diritto, ottenuto nel Medioevo, di nominare i vescovi e gli abati (...)

Hannah Williams : Académie Royale. A History in Portraits

From its establishment in 1648 until its disbanding in 1793 after the French Revolution, the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture was the centre of the Parisian art world. Taking the reader behind the scenes of this elite bastion of French art theory, education, and practice, this engaging study uncovers the fascinating histories - official and unofficial - of that artistic community. Through an (...)

Gigliola Fragnito, Alain Tallon (dir.) : Hétérodoxies croisées. Catholicismes pluriels entre France et Italie, XVIe-XVIIe siècles

Issu d’un programme de recherche franco-italien initié en 2008 sous l’égide de l’École française de Rome, de l’Università degli Studi di Parma et de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, ce volume explore un des paradoxes majeurs du catholicisme moderne : alors qu’il revendique une parfaite unité, argument de choix des controversistes contre le protestantisme, il est en réalité traversé par de profondes divergences (...)

Jessica Munns, Penny Richards, Jonathan Spangler (éd.) : Aspiration, Representation and Memory. The Guise in Europe, 1506–1688

Exploiting the turbulence and strife of sixteenth-century France, the House of Guise arose from a provincial power base to establish themselves as dominant political players in France and indeed Europe, marrying within royal and princely circles and occupying the most important ecclesiastical and military positions. Propelled by ambitions derived from their position as cadets of a minor sovereign house, they (...)

Chris Jones : John of Paris. Beyond Royal and Papal Power

The Dominican scholar John of Paris was one of the most controversial members of the University of Paris in the later Middle Ages. The author of over twenty works, he is best known today for On Royal and Papal Power, a tract traditionally linked to the explosive confrontation that took place between the French king Philip IV and Pope Boniface VIII in the early years of the fourteenth century. Although his role (...)

Anne Béroujon, Delphine Estier, Anne Montenach (éd.) : Des caisses du roi aux poches des cadavres

À quoi jouait-on à Lyon sous le règne de Louis XIV ? Qu’avaient les hommes et les femmes du XVIIIe siècle dans leurs poches quand la mort les a saisis ? Comment Louis XIII s’y prenait-il pour faire payer les riches ? Autant de thèmes traités dans cet ouvrage qui fait revivre, à travers les écrits de l’historienne Françoise Bayard, la vie économique et sociale des Français sous l’Ancien Régime. Depuis l’étude (...)

Giovanna Benadusi, Judith C. Brown (éd.) : Medici Women : The Making of a Dynasty in Grand Ducal Tuscany

The Medici grand ducal family and the court it created in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries have long fascinated historians and the general public. Until recently, however, the women who married into the family or were born into it were relegated to the margins of history. Though long acknowledged as wives and mothers who contributed to the propagation of the Medici line, their function in the creation of (...)

Valérie André, Huguette Krief (dir.) : Dictionnaire des femmes des Lumières

Privilégier les lumières comme emblème des femmes, c’est vouloir rompre avec un luminisme séculaire, figuré comme un tout homogène autour des philosophes du XVIIIe siècle et rétablir la participation féminine dans l’histoire progressive des libertés et des savoirs. Le Dictionnaire des Femmes des Lumières explore une vaste période qui s’ouvre avec la parution de la Satire X de Boileau (1694) et se clôt sur (...)