Constance of France. Womanhood and Agency in Twelfth-Century Europe

Myra Miranda Bom

Constance of France : Womanhood and Agency in Twelfth-Century Europe is a biography of Constance of France, sister of King Louis VII of France. Myra Bom recovers Constance’s life story and puts it in its medieval context by examining the historical evidence of chronicles, charters, seal imprints and letters. The countess’s long and interesting life makes for women’s history with a large geographical scope, including France, England, Toulouse and the Latin East. It touches on many aspects of life during the Middle Ages such as birth, marriage and divorce, gender roles, experience of time, and expectation for the afterlife. Bom demonstrates how and to what extent medieval women could, and did, take control of their own lives. This book is an account of the interplay of historical context and agency.


Pages 1-12

Born a Royal Daughter
Pages 13-40

The Politics of Marriage (I) : England
Pages 41-75

Female Role Models
Pages 77-108

Politics of Marriage (II) : Toulouse
Pages 109-128

Countess of Toulouse
Pages 129-166

Separation in Marriage
Pages 167-200

To Jerusalem
Pages 201-231

Care for the Soul
Pages 233-256

Pages 257-260

Back Matter
Pages 261-316

BOM Myra Miranda, Constance of France. Womanhood and Agency in Twelfth-Century Europe, Londres, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.

ISBN : 978-3-031-10428-2.

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