Marie Antoinette’s Head. The Royal Hairdresser, the Queen, and the Revolution
Will Bashor
By unearthing a variety of sources from the 18th and 19th centuries, including memoirs, court documents, and archived periodicals the author, professor at Franklin University, tells Autié’s mostly unknown story. Dr. Bashor chronicles Leonard’s story, the role he played in the life of his most famous client, and the chaotic and history-making world in which he rose to prominence. Besides his proximity to the queen, Leonard also had a most fascinating life filled with seduction (he was the only man in a female dominated court), intrigue, espionage, theft, exile, treason, and possibly, execution. The French press reported that Léonard was convicted of treason and executed in Paris in 1793. However, it was also recorded that Léonard, after receiving a pension from the new King Louis XVIII, died in Paris in March 1820. Granted, Leonard was known as the magician of Marie-Antoinette’s court, but how was it possible that he managed to die twice ?
Will Bashor : Marie Antoinette’s Head. The Royal Hairdresser, the Queen, and the Revolution, Lyons Press, 320 p., ISBN ISBN : 978-0-7627-9153-8