Politics and Piety at the Royal Sites of the Spanish Monarchy in the Seventeenth Century

José Eloy Hortal Muñoz (éd.)

The relevance of religious and political practices at the Royal Sites of the different kingdoms that composed the Spanish Monarchy, in the consolidation of the image and power of the Spanish kings.

Institutions under royal control included not only the king’s royal residences and the royal chapels attached to them, but also magnificent convent-palaces and individual monasteries belonging to specific religious orders with close affiliations to the Spanish Crown. These Spanish Royal Sites, a diverse global network that helped to shape the Spanish Monarchy politically and socially in the seventeenth century, extended across the different kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula and beyond to other territories in Europe, America and Asia under Spanish rule. The religious practices that occurred there were an essential aspect of studying the justification of power, the pre-eminence of (ecclesiastical and temporal) institutions and, in the case of the Spanish Monarchy, its relations with the Holy See.

This volume brings together scholars from various humanities disciplines, opening up novel avenues of research for studying the organization of royal institutions in the different kingdoms of the Habsburg Spanish Monarchy, especially in questions related to religion and royal piety. Particular attention is paid to the under-researched area of Royal Sites in Catalonia, Valencia, Portugal, Sardinia and the Viceroyalty of Peru.

José Eloy Hortal Muñoz is Associate Professor of Early Modern History at the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. His main research interests are the political history of the Habsburg Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Courts of Brussels and Madrid, the Royal Households of the Spanish Habsburgs and the Royal Sites. His major works include Los asuntos de Flandes. Las relaciones entre las Cortes de la Monarquía Hispánica y de los Países Bajos durante el siglo XVI (Saarbrücken, 2011) ; Las guardas reales de los Austrias hispanos (Madrid, 2013) ; and (with G. Versteegen) Las ideas políticas y sociales en la Edad Moderna (Madrid, 2016). He has also co-edited La Corte de Felipe IV (1621–1665). Reconfiguración de la Monarquía Católica (Madrid, 2015) ; A Constellation of Courts : The Households of Habsburg Europe, 1555–1665 (Leuven, 2014) ; La Casa de Borgoña : la Casa del rey de España (Leuven, 2014) ; and, most recently, El ceremonial en la Corte de Bruselas del siglo XVII. Los manuscritos de Francisco Alonso Lozano (Brussels, 2018), which was awarded the Henry Pirenne Prize 2019.

Table of Contents
List of Illustrations

List of Abbreviations


Notes on currency

Royal Sites as Key Elements of the Early Modern Monarchies : The Case of the Spanish Monarchy
José Eloy Hortal Muñoz

Part I : Royal Chapels

Royal Chapels : Spirituality, Ceremonial and Integration of the Elites
José Eloy Hortal Muñoz

Chapter 1
Spirituality at the Royal Chapel of the Alcázar of Madrid (16th-17th centuries) : The Triumph of Rome
José Martínez Millán

Chapter 2
The Display of Royal Ecclesiastical Power : The Palatine Chapel of Palermo (1586–1713)
Fabrizio d’Avenia

Chapter 3
No King for a Palace : Royal Palaces and Chapels in Barcelona in the Seventeenth Century
Ignasi Fernández Terricabras

Chapter 4
Changes and Continuities in the Royal Chapel of Valencia during the Seventeenth Century
Emilio Callado Estela

Chapter 5
Lima and the Ecclesiastical Entourage of the Viceroys (1600-50) : The Royal Chapel
Guillermo Nieva Ocampo and Ana Mónica González Fasani

Part II : Royal Palaces, Convents and Monasteries

Royal Palaces, Convents and Monasteries : the Presence of the Sovereign, Integration of the Realms and Kingdoms and Religious Practices
José Eloy Hortal Muñoz

Chapter 6
Court Spaces and Dynastic Piety at the Royal Convents of Madrid (16th-17thcenturies)
Víctor MínguezCornelles

Chapter 7
The Influence of Rome on Spirituality in the Royal Convents of the Habsburg Netherlands : The Foundation of the Capuchin Convent at Tervuren (1621-33)
Henar Pizarro Llorente

Chapter 8
The Presiding Religious Influence of an Absent King : Philip II as King of Portugal (1580-98), Royal Palaces, Convents and Monasteries
José Pedro Paiva

Chapter 9
The Spaces of Monarchy in the Kingdom of Valencia : Political and Religious Practices (16th-17th centuries)
Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya

Chapter 10
Power, Politics and Religion : the Viceregal Court and the Royal Convents in the Kingdom of Sardinia (15th-17th centuries)
Nicoletta Bazzano

Royal Sites as Key Elements of the Political and Religious Relationship between the Spanish Monarchy and the Holy See : The Permeation of the Spirituality of Rome
José Eloy Hortal Muñoz

Notes on the Contributors

Index of Names

Index of Places

Index of Royal Sites

HORTAL MUNOZ José Eloy (éd.), Politics and Piety at the Royal Sites of the Spanish Monarchy in the Seventeenth Century, Turnhout, Brepols, 2021.
ISBN : 978-2-503-59159-9

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