Royal Studies Journal

Elena Woodacre

We are delighted to announce that the first issue of the Royal Studies Journal is out now. This issue features articles by Carole Levin, Cinzia Recca and Nadia van Pelt as well as six book reviews of recent publications in the field of royal studies.

Content Issue No. 1

Carole Levin Elizabeth’s Ghost: The afterlife of the Queen in Stuart England
Cinzia Reccia Maria Carolina and Marie Antoinette: Sisters and Queens in the mirror of Jacobin Public Opinion
Nadia Therese van Pelt Teens and Tudors: the pedagogy of royal studies

Book Reviews
Carey Fleiner Review: Lott, Death and Dynasty in Early Imperial Rome
Stephen Donnachie Review: Perry, John of Brienne: King of Jerusalem
Sean McGlynn Review: Richardson, The Field of Cloth of Gold
Elena Woodacre Review: Cruz and Galli (eds.), Early Modern Hapsburg Women
Estelle Paranque Review: Knecht, Hero or Tyrant? Henri III, King of France
Charlotte Backerra Review: Aikin, A Ruler¹s Consort in Early Modern Germany

Lire les articles

Elena Woodacre et al. : Royal Studies Journal, vol. 1, n° 1 (2014).

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