Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance

David Ganz

David Ganz : Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance (Beihefte der Francia, 20), Sigmaringen (Thorbecke) 1990, ISBN 3-7995-7320-8.

Extrait du livre

This study opens with a historical account of Corbie from its foundation until the reign of Charles the Simple, which clarifies the political importance of the abbey and its relations with rulers and bishops. Corbie was always a royal abbey, and during the abbacies of Charlemagne’s cousins the links with the court were most crucial, but it wa s independent of royal control. Abbot s Adalhard and Wala established a tradition of opposition to royal policy, and in the theological debates of the reign of
Charles the Bald, Ratramnus of Corbie opposed the stance of Hincmar and the
Carolingian episcopate.

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