Gender and Constitutional Monarchy in Comparative Perspective 

R. Dixon

Dixon, R., « Gender and Constitutional Monarchy in Comparative Perspective ». Royal Studies Journal, 7(2), 2020, p. 1–9. 

Extrait de l’article

The relationship between democratic constitutionalism and monarchies is an important, yet under-explored, question in comparative constitutional scholarship. Monarchs clearly play an important formal legal role in many constitutional systems—similar to that played by democratically elected or appointed presidents. They also play a broader informal role: in deeply divided societies, for instance, the monarchy may serve as a symbol of national unity, or a public spokesperson for the demands of national unity.1 In societies in transition, monarchs may help promote the stability of that transition, and in some cases, serve as an advocate for democratization and the rule of law. In societies facing the prospect of war, or recovering from a major national disaster or terrorist attack, monarchs may help a country mourn, and heal, in a way that promotes democratic stability.3 The role played by monarchs in this context may also help separate the political and symbolic domain in the minds of the public, so that a shared sense of national unity or identity is not used for partisan political ends. Monarchs may also serve as an important “informal” check on the power of elected legislators, and thus create a valuable additional check on the danger of arbitrary use of legislative power.

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