Performance in French Court Festivals under François Ier 

Richard Cooper

Cooper, Richard, « Performance in French Court Festivals under François Ier », Arti dello Spettacolo / Performing Arts, Performance and Spectacle in Early Modern Europe, 2020.

Extrait de l’article

The term Court Festival embraces a wide range of entertainments, from public events such as royal entries, marriages, baptisms, funerals or tournaments, to more exclusive ones put on at banquets or other court ceremonies. Some were seasonal, associated with the liturgical calendar such as Epiphany or Carnival. Some stemmed from the initiative of the court itself, others were staged by the locality being visited and stamped with municipal tradition. Although essentially ephemeral, they were increasingly recorded in manuscript accounts, in published albums and in reports of memorialists and ambassadors, besides in the archives of the municipality or of the crown.

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