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Representations of Ruling Queens on the French Dramatic Stage 1560–1661

Laetitia Vedrenne

Vedrenne, Laetitia, "Representations of Ruling Queens on the French Dramatic Stage 1560–1661", dans Cahiers du XVIIe siècle, 2006, vol. XI, 1.

Extrait de l’article

Catherine and Maria de’ Medici, as well as Anne of Austria, were abnormalities on the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century French political scene: women could not rule France since the reinterpretation of the Salic Law and, indeed, none of those three women reigned in their own name, but as Regent queens. Even though they did not reign in their own name, the mere fact that the head of the state was a woman was a controversial issue. Art, both iconographic and literary, is where the anxieties created by female regencies could be played out.

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