Money and Coinage under Louis the Pious

Simon Coupland

Simon Coupland, Money and Coinage under Louis the Pious, dans : Francia - Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte, vol. 17/1 (1990), p. 23-54.

Extrait de l’article

In the eyes of historians, the Emperor Louis the Pious (814-840) has always been overshadowed by his more illustrious father, Charlemagne (768-814). Even the conférence which was held in 1986 at Oxford to reconsider the achievements of Louis’s reign was entitled "Charlemagne’s Heir". While Charlemagne is usually perceived as the great architect of the Carolingian Empire, Louis tends to be portrayed as having lost control of his inheritance, thereby weakening the bonds of imperial unity and sowing the seeds of dissolution. In a typical attack, Jan Dhondt wrote : "Que Louis le Pieux ait été un souverain incapable ne sera contesté par personne ; que son impéritie et sa faiblesse aient précipité la ruine de l’empire, nous serons les derniers à y contredire". Although there has recently been a willingness among historians to question thèse assumptions and to reassess Louis’s reign, those who suggest that the Emperor was more powerful and successful than has hitherto been believed still face an uphill struggle.

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