Naturales dominæ : Female political authority in the Late Middle Ages

Serena Ferente

Serena Ferente, "Naturales dominæ : Female political authority in the Late Middle Ages"dans Giulia Calvi (éd.), Women Rulers in Europe : Agency, Practice and the Representation of Political Powers (XII-XVIII), EUI Working Papers HEC, n° 2008/2, p. 45-61 (

Extrait de l’article

Most medieval and early modern queens were foreigners, hence suspect. Queens experienced a radical version of the ordinairy wife’s position, the ambiguous status of one who throughout her life belongs to more than one family - her father’s, her husband’s and her children’s - and has more than one identity. The timeless theme of the menacing ’foreigness’ of the queen, like that of the king’s ’wicked advisors’, had such good currency in medieval and early modern Europe that it must have fullfilled important, if not perhaps structural, political needs.

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