Framing the Police : Scudéry’s Secret Critique of Louis XIV

Margaret Anne Trotzke

Trotzke, Margaret Anne, "Framing the Police : Scudéry’s Secret Critique of Louis XIV", dans Cahiers du XVIIe siècle, 1991, vol. V, 1.

Extrait de l’article

Madeleine de Scudery’s La Promenade de Versailles (1669) appears to be a glorifying description of Louis XIV’s palace, followed by a courtly romance. However, the mystification of Versailles and of Louis’ court serves as a cloaking device for the political debate in the text, which raises daring questions about the concept of the hereditary monarchy. The novel that ostensibly champions Louis XIV contains subversive passages hidden within the romanesque story, a secret critique designed to fool the police.

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