Home / Periods / Early Middle Ages

Early Middle Ages

Ve - Xe siècles

236 articles et ouvrages

History and function

The court and its rulers

Households, offices and functions

Perceptions of the court and royalty

Patronage and favour, networks

Politics, war and justice

Religion, spirituality and hermetism

Finances and territorial management

International and national relations

Art and culture

Literature, philosophy, rhetoric

Architecture and urbanism

Inner spaces

The decorative arts

International transfers & influences

Periods, iconography and styles

Court life

Sociability and psychologie

Hunt, animals and equestrian arts

Medecine, sciences and knowledge

Travels, itineraries and exile

Body and costume

Pageantry & festivities

Ceremonies and Pageantry


Funerals and necropolis

Regalia, clothes and symbolism

Individuals, families, groups

The royal family

Nobility and the Third Estate


Social groups